Blogs, Videos, Links and Resources
Here is some recent activity…
Advent Casting Aside Distractions
Missional Opportunities in the Cycle of Light
How to Talk To People About Dinner Church
The Third Place – A Missional Space
Four Steps For Starting New Things
The Psalms – Scripture for Devotions and Discipleship
Dinner Church School of Leadership VIDEO
Dinner Church School of Leadership Webpage
The Church Gathered at Table
Dinner Church a TED TALK styled presentation
In late 2021 My first book was published – coauthored with Verlon Fosner – A Trowel and A Sword will take you on a journey to learn this needful type of prayer; learning about the obstacles, language, vocabulary and posture of frontline missional prayer from a Pentecostal pastor and an Epsicopal priest whose voices find harmony as they delve into frontline, missional warfare that changes the world. You can order your copy here: A Trowel and A Sword